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EEC English 六年级 下册7

2024-05-06 00:11:20 [娱乐] 来源:闳识孤怀网

EEC English 六年级 下册7

Lesson 7 A Letter from Jenny第七课 JENNY的年级一封信
Let's Join the Chant!
Listen and chant along.
Mail, mail! Is there any mail for me?有我的邮件吗?
Yes, yes! There is a letter from Jenny.有一封JENNY来的信。
Great,下册 great! Let me see.让我看看。
Aloud,年级 aloud! Please read it aloud.请大声读一读。
Envelope,下册 envelope! I see something inside the envelope.我看到信封里面有什么东西。
Picture,年级 picture! It's a picture of Jenny.是JENNY的照片。
Mail,下册 mail! Is there any mail for me?
Yes, yes! There is a letter from Jenny.
Great, great! Let me see.
Aloud, aloud! Please read it aloud.
Envelope, envelope! I see something inside the envelope.
Picture, picture! It's a picture of Jenny.
Weather,weather! What's the weather like there?那儿的天气怎么样?
Windy, windy! It's a little windy in Ottawa.在渥太华有点刮风。
Thanksgiving Day,年级 Thanksgiving Day! It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday.昨天是感恩节。
Party,下册 party! We had a big party last night.昨天晚上我们开了一个很大的宴会。
Why,年级 why! Why don't you visit me?来我这做客怎么样?
Wait for, wait for! I'll be waiting for your letter.我等待着你的回信。
Weather,下册weather! What's the weather like there?
Windy, windy! It's a little windy in Ottawa.
Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Day! It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday.
Party, party! We had a big party last night.
Why, why! Why don't you visit me?
Wait for, wait for! I'll be waiting for your letter.
Let's Have Fun 1
A. Look and listen.
1 Xiaoxiao: Is there any mail for me?有我的邮件吗?
Mom: Yes, there is a letter from Jenny.有一封JENNY来的信。
2 Xiaoxiao: Pardon me?年级谁的?
Mom: Jenny wrote a letter to you.JENNY给你写了一封信。
3 Xiaoxiao: Great! Let me see.太好了,下册让我看看。年级
Qiaoqiao: Please read it aloud.请大声读一读。下册
4 Qiaoqiao: I see something inside the envelope.我看到信封里面有什么东西。年级
Xiaoxiao: Oh! It's a picture of Jenny.啊,是JENNY的照片。
1 Xiaoxiao: Is there any mail for me?
Mom: Yes, there is a letter from Jenny.
2 Xiaoxiao: Pardon me?
Mom: Jenny wrote a letter to you.
3 Xiaoxiao: Great! Let me see.
Qiaoqiao: Please read it aloud.
4 Qiaoqiao: I see something inside the envelope.
Xiaoxiao: Oh! It's a picture of Jenny.
1 Xiaoxiao: Is there any mail for me?
Mom: Yes, there is a letter from Jenny.
2 Xiaoxiao: Pardon me?
Mom: Jenny wrote a letter to you.
3 Xiaoxiao: Great! Let me see.
Qiaoqiao: Please read it aloud.
4 Qiaoqiao: I see something inside the envelope.
Xiaoxiao: Oh! It's a picture of Jenny.
Let's practice 1
A.Listen and learn some more.
1.Is there any mail for me?有我的邮件吗?
Yes, there are some letters for you.是的有些你的信。
2. Do we have any fruit?我们有水果吗?
No, we don't have any.不,我们没有水果啦。
3.Were there any phone calls?有电话打来吗?
No, there weren't any.不,没有。
4.Did you buy any books?你买书了吗?
Yes, I bought some story books.是的,我买了些故事书。
1.Is there any mail for me?
Yes, there are some letters for you.
2. Do we have any fruit?
No, we don't have any.
3.Were there any phone calls?
No, there weren't any.
4.Did you buy any books?
Yes, I bought some story books.
Let's Have Fun 2
A.Look and listen.
1 October 27,2001二零零一年十月二十七日
Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao,亲爱的肖肖和乔乔。
It's a little windy in Ottawa.现在渥太华有点刮风。
What's the weather like there?那边的天气怎么样?
2 It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday.昨天是感恩节。
We had a big party last night.昨天晚上我们开了一个很大的宴会。
My family got together and had turkey dinner.全家人聚到了一起,共同品尝火鸡晚餐。
3 I miss you guys.我很想念你们。
Why don't you visit me during the vacation?假期来我这做客怎么样?
I'll be waiting for your letter.我等待着你的回信。
Your friend, Jenny你的朋友,JENNY。
1 October 27,2001
Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao,
It's a little windy in Ottawa.
What's the weather like there?
2 It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday.
We had a big party last night.
My family got together and had turkey dinner.
3 I miss you guys.
Why don't you visit me during the vacation?
I'll be waiting for your letter.
Your friend, Jenny
1 October 27,2001
Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao,
It's a little windy in Ottawa.
What's the weather like there?
2 It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday.
We had a big party last night.
My family got together and had turkey dinner.
3 I miss you guys.
Why don't you visit me during the vacation?
I'll be waiting for your letter.
Your friend, Jenny
Let's Practice 2
A. Listen and learn some more.
1. What's the weather like there in autumn?那里的秋天天气怎么样?
It's a little windy.有点刮风。
2. What's the weather like there in spring?那里春天的天气怎么样?
It's sunny and warm.阳光充足而且天气暖和。
3. How's the weather there in winter?那里冬天的天气怎么样?
We have much snow.我们这下很多雪。
4. How's the weather there in summer?那里夏天的天气怎么样?
We have lots of rain.我们这下很多雨。
1. What's the weather like there in autumn?
It's a little windy.
2. What's the weather like there in spring?
It's sunny and warm.
3. How's the weather there in winter?
We have much snow.
4. How's the weather there in summer?
We have lots of rain.
Let's build our reading skill.
Xiaoxiao's mom comes home with the mail.
"There is a letter from Jenny." She says.
Xiaoxiao is so surprised. He can't believe that Jenny sent a letter.
He is very excited and opens the envelope. Qiaoqiao is also excited because he misses Jenny.
He asks Xiaoxiao to read the letter aloud.
There is something inside the envelope. It's a picture of Jenny.
In Jenny's letter she writes about her hometown Ottawa in Canada.
She tells them about the weather. It is a little windy now in Ottawa.
She tells them about Thanksgiving Day.
She tells them that she misses them.
She hopes that they will come and visit her next vacation.
Jenny also writes that she is waiting for a letter from them too.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
Sing Along
Edelweiss, edelweiss, every morning you greet me.
Small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me.
Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever.
Edelweiss, edelweiss, bless my home land forever. (*Repeat)
Small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me.
Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever.
Edelweiss, edelweiss, bless my home land forever.

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/menu/201212/213269.shtml


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